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Hello! It’s been awhile. Since before I gave birth in fact. But I am back to work now and have more face time with my computer so here I am! I’m going to try to condense this post as much as possible, but it’s been the craziest eight weeks of my life so I’m just […]

introducing Cora Elise

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My guess is you can hear me yawning all the way where you are. Work weeks should be two days and weekends should be five, right? Saturday remained pretty uneventful, but yesterday was a whirlwind. We went to the early service at church as we were hosting Irwin’s family for Easter. Unfortunately, that didn’t exactly […]

what a weekend


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My inlaws have had season tickets to Playhouse Square for basically as long as I can remember, and at least definitely before Irwin and I got engaged. I’ve seen a handful of plays at this point because of that, some great, others I wouldn’t recommend to an enemy. I believe they have eight or so […]


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I touched a bit on this topic yesterday, but I’m going to elaborate a bit more on it today. Last night, I witnessed my first pregnancy announcement since finding out that we are also expecting. My heart did the one thing I was not expecting, it tightened up. This couple hasn’t even been together for as long […]

baby announcements


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I am so, so sleepy today guys. And it’s March 1st. Where is time going? The dogs have decided they need to be right on top of me at all times and because of that, I didn’t get much sleep last night. I also think I was still feeling the excitement from the positive test […]

send caffiene

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I hope y’all aren’t sick of the Friends references yet, because I have no plans to stop. I had my lining check this morning and all. looks. fabulous. Praise Jesus! We are scheduled for our transfer on February 23rd, and the embryology lab will call on Thursday with time we need to be at the hospital. […]

think thick!


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Anyone else singing this? No? Just me? Maybe I’m just letting the Super Bowl Justin Timberlake hype get to me. It has become kind of a tradition to host a super bowl party every year. Irwin likes football, and I like parties, so it works nicely. In the past few years, we’ve had a totally […]

It’s the final countdown

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Anyone else just love the show Friends? I remember watching the final episode live with my mom, and she was crying when it was all over. Some shows, even if they are comedies, will do that to you. Friends is probably my “most watched” show on Netflix {but really, I don’t want to know how […]

the one with the blastocysts


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Phew, what a weekend! My egg retrieval procedure was Thursday morning bright and early on the other side of town. I was definitely tired {thank goodness I’m a morning person} but even more so thirsty since you can’t drink or eat anything for twelve hours prior to surgery. Once we met with the financial counselor […]

seventeen and counting

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Yesterday we made it through day three of stimming and even a mid-injection cartridge change. The follistim only has 300 units per cartridge and it’s overfilled slightly, meaning sometimes we will have to switch it out mid-injection. This is kind of an annoyance, but Irwin and I are becoming pros at this so it wasn’t too bad. […]

and some panic


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