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Phew, what a weekend! My egg retrieval procedure was Thursday morning bright and early on the other side of town. I was definitely tired {thank goodness I’m a morning person} but even more so thirsty since you can’t drink or eat anything for twelve hours prior to surgery. Once we met with the financial counselor […]

seventeen and counting

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Shortly after 1pm yesterday we got the call that we had been anxiously awaiting. My e2 levels came back at 5070 and with all the follicles they measured in the morning, the doctors wanted us to trigger. Due to my estrogen levels being so high, we are no longer eligible for a fresh transfer and […]



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Guys, I officially had my first hormone driven breakdown of this whole cycle. I went in for another scan today and yet another round of bloodwork and it was just kind of a mess from the beginning. I was running late because we got a bunch of rain last night and Buster was boycotting potty […]


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I had another early alarm so I could get more blood taken this morning. Not entirely sure why they did another estrogen draw, but I’m hoping it means we are close to retrieval and it’s not bad news that my levels are too high. The nurse is supposed to call this afternoon with results and […]

thirty one


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I had another scan this morning after our 5th night of stimming. The past two days, Irwin has been administering a dropped dose of the follistim per the doctor’s orders, along with the low dose HSG. I could hardly sleep last night, for multiple reasons: My arm felt bruised and I was NERVOUS to give […]

the one with the good nurse

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Right before I left my office yesterday I got the call from the fertility center I was waiting for. In my head I was thinking my e2 levels would be right around 100, maybe a little higher or lower depending. Yeah, no. They came back at 530! Which means we were given the go-ahead to definitely […]

green light


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Yesterday we made it through day three of stimming and even a mid-injection cartridge change. The follistim only has 300 units per cartridge and it’s overfilled slightly, meaning sometimes we will have to switch it out mid-injection. This is kind of an annoyance, but Irwin and I are becoming pros at this so it wasn’t too bad. […]

and some panic

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Day one is done. After leaving the pharmacy yesterday afternoon I almost had a panic attack in the car. The two grocery bags full of medications was daunting and I think I was worried about getting it all at one time. There were roughly 8 prescriptions in the bag, but we are just starting with […]

we survived!


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Dear Baby C, This is the week! Af showed up yesterday and I have my baseline appointment scheduled for tomorrow morning bright and early! I cannot believe we are already here. When I started bleeding I think I had mixed feelings of fear and excitement. If you would’ve asked me that morning, I would’ve sworn […]

it’s ivf time

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Dear Baby C, This weekend your dad and I went to Columbus for a Young Adults Conference through our church. A group of eight of our friends went and we were joined by about 200 other young adults that came from all over the state of Ohio. It was really incredible! On Friday, we heard […]



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