Donut sweet cake. Cupcake chocolate chocolate cake soufflé dessert jelly beans halvah. Sweet candy tiramisu oat cake chocolate cake halvah. Cheesecake fruitcake chocolate apple pie cotton candy chocolate cotton candy. Cookie biscuit sweet jelly beans cupcake jelly pie. Bonbon sweet roll ice cream donut icing marshmallow.
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Back in 2016, I joined this group of ladies called the four week wait-ers. It actually started earlier in the year as the “two week wait” but crept up to four weeks. Anyone who has ever struggled with infertility will totally get this – it’s not the two weeks after ovulation that is the longest, […]
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Anyone else singing this? No? Just me? Maybe I’m just letting the Super Bowl Justin Timberlake hype get to me. It has become kind of a tradition to host a super bowl party every year. Irwin likes football, and I like parties, so it works nicely. In the past few years, we’ve had a totally […]
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Phew, what a weekend! My egg retrieval procedure was Thursday morning bright and early on the other side of town. I was definitely tired {thank goodness I’m a morning person} but even more so thirsty since you can’t drink or eat anything for twelve hours prior to surgery. Once we met with the financial counselor […]
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Yesterday we made it through day three of stimming and even a mid-injection cartridge change. The follistim only has 300 units per cartridge and it’s overfilled slightly, meaning sometimes we will have to switch it out mid-injection. This is kind of an annoyance, but Irwin and I are becoming pros at this so it wasn’t too bad. […]