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Guys, I had a weekend, and not in a good way. I won’t go into details – but between being emotionally drained, people complaining, and a very negative conversation someone tried to have with me about having children, I was totally over it as of yesterday afternoon. So then we finally made it to the end […]

a little rant, and moving on

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I hope y’all aren’t sick of the Friends references yet, because I have no plans to stop. I had my lining check this morning and all. looks. fabulous. Praise Jesus! We are scheduled for our transfer on February 23rd, and the embryology lab will call on Thursday with time we need to be at the hospital. […]

think thick!


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This week in Cleveland has been CRUMMY. Lots of snow, really cold – basically it’s February and nobody wants to ever leave their homes. Because of this, I’ve been watching a lot of movies lately. Irwin had worship team practice for church last night and I turned on War Room. I’d been wanting to rewatch this […]

unexpected night of prayer

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Anyone else singing this? No? Just me? Maybe I’m just letting the Super Bowl Justin Timberlake hype get to me. It has become kind of a tradition to host a super bowl party every year. Irwin likes football, and I like parties, so it works nicely. In the past few years, we’ve had a totally […]

It’s the final countdown


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Anyone else just love the show Friends? I remember watching the final episode live with my mom, and she was crying when it was all over. Some shows, even if they are comedies, will do that to you. Friends is probably my “most watched” show on Netflix {but really, I don’t want to know how […]

the one with the blastocysts

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… my jeans fit again! I know you all were probably hoping for an update on our little embabies, but alas, nothing yet. Nothing except myself totally having anxious thoughts. If you hear beating, I can assure you that is my heart. Fortunately, we are getting to that point where my work is picking up […]

big news guys


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We finally made it to day 5 post egg retrieval and I am finally feeling like my normal self again. Today I wanted to write a small list of what helped Irwin and I get through our first IVF round and why I felt each of them was so beneficial. Prayer. Lots and LOTS of […]

a list

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Phew, what a weekend! My egg retrieval procedure was Thursday morning bright and early on the other side of town. I was definitely tired {thank goodness I’m a morning person} but even more so thirsty since you can’t drink or eat anything for twelve hours prior to surgery. Once we met with the financial counselor […]

seventeen and counting


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Shortly after 1pm yesterday we got the call that we had been anxiously awaiting. My e2 levels came back at 5070 and with all the follicles they measured in the morning, the doctors wanted us to trigger. Due to my estrogen levels being so high, we are no longer eligible for a fresh transfer and […]


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Guys, I officially had my first hormone driven breakdown of this whole cycle. I went in for another scan today and yet another round of bloodwork and it was just kind of a mess from the beginning. I was running late because we got a bunch of rain last night and Buster was boycotting potty […]



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