Donut sweet cake. Cupcake chocolate chocolate cake soufflé dessert jelly beans halvah. Sweet candy tiramisu oat cake chocolate cake halvah. Cheesecake fruitcake chocolate apple pie cotton candy chocolate cotton candy. Cookie biscuit sweet jelly beans cupcake jelly pie. Bonbon sweet roll ice cream donut icing marshmallow.
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… my jeans fit again! I know you all were probably hoping for an update on our little embabies, but alas, nothing yet. Nothing except myself totally having anxious thoughts. If you hear beating, I can assure you that is my heart. Fortunately, we are getting to that point where my work is picking up […]
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Phew, what a weekend! My egg retrieval procedure was Thursday morning bright and early on the other side of town. I was definitely tired {thank goodness I’m a morning person} but even more so thirsty since you can’t drink or eat anything for twelve hours prior to surgery. Once we met with the financial counselor […]
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Dear Baby C, This weekend your dad and I went to Columbus for a Young Adults Conference through our church. A group of eight of our friends went and we were joined by about 200 other young adults that came from all over the state of Ohio. It was really incredible! On Friday, we heard […]
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Dear Baby C, Welcome to the tww {two week wait}. I know we shouldn’t be expecting anything from this cycle, but I am full of expectation for what is coming after these next two weeks! It feels like yesterday that we were sitting in our dining room going over deciding to move forward with ivf and here […]
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Dear Baby C, I write this to you on the eve of the new year, the year we are praying we get to bring you home. This year has been full of so many ups and downs for me and your dad and lately, I have been nothing but a negative nancy just because I’ve […]